Monday, December 26, 2011

Soulish feelings, signs, wonders and works

The lying religious spirit is so subtle.
A person can be listening to Christian music ALL DAY LONG.
Reading the Bible ALL DAY LONG.
Memorizing Scripture

and still deceived....@!@@!!!!!!! (not a swear word- just a huge exclamation point)

Friend in question has LOTS of testimonies.
And receives good feelings in the soul from this evil spirit.
It operates in the realm of the soul- feelings, many signs and wonders...dreams, CONSTANT

She sounds very happy.

I noticed the same happy sound in ____'s voice,  "yes things are really good here. " But me and others...we sound so serious, sad, concerned, at times angry even.

People say, "we are testing fruit." Then they hear a pseudo peace, pseudo joy...and assume- THAT IS THE FRUIT. But it is soulish and demonic. It is the deception made of sugar.

I noticed the voices of two people I spoke too. Both sounded confident and upbeat. But the ex-(group name)ers sound broken and grieving. They are not confident sounding...careful about what they speak. But the false religious spirit is so quick to call this one a hypocrite and that one a Pharisee. It says " I make religious people uncomfortable."

"Religious people hate me. "

If you speak the Word or test it with the will attack and demean. You are "religious."
"Traditional." Or what I heard today "In the letter not in the spirit. "

Yes, by God's grace I am not in that spirit. Praise you Lord for that.

I have been called "a slanderer" "unloving" and "judgmental." These are lies...but the enemy knows where to hit. When what it actually does. Usually in secret.

The man I know with this spirit, has sent me some really vicious emails. And said I have a spirit of fear...why can't I overcome. He used personal knowledge against me, things I confessed in what I thought was a safe, mature group. JEZEBEL. Then I feel tired, depressed, confused, self doubting. JEZEBEL.

The falling away, from my vantage point is ENORMOUS. And the falling away I am seeing on all sides of me....heart breaking. I feel such grief in my spirit. I can understand Jeremiah's tears...and Paul's cry...I would be accursed just so they would see.

It is such a frustrating thing, speaking to one who has an idol or refuses to hear. So speaking to a stone wall. And in fact you are, but maybe it is sowing a seed of truth that will come to bear fruit in the future.

Lord, please keep me from these idols!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Jezebel spirit

I believe that Satan has a PLAN. Intentional, secret, destroy marriages, churches, and believers. If we do not understand that- we are in danger of being overtaken.

Think about the intrigue of double agents in human affairs...The element of deception and secrecy are powerful.

So what are the areas of your life that are under siege?

What is the state of your marriage?

Are you being attacked by addictions, ungodly soul ties, Jezebel spirits and other deceivers??

How do you feel about your self?

Are you under siege by perfectionism, self doubt criticism? This is a war!!

Let me say it again:

This... is... a... war

What happens in a war? There are causalities...there is combat.

The Kingdom of God suffer violence and the violent take it by force.

Let us VIOLENTLY refuse Satan's Kingdom, rule, outposts and strongholds in our lives.

God' s timing is perfect

...completely PERFECT. Note to self: Remember this!

Last night dh came home and became engaged in computer games. I was feeling again, unloved, unnoticed, neglected...I started praying and suddenly one son falls and gets cut on his hand. DH goes to help, but in his concern and fear, starts yelling at the child and me.

At one point he glares at me, like he's going to take a swing...which he never has done, but the manifestation of frustration looked like he wanted to. He pushes me out of the kitchen. Not hard, but physically none the less.

I just want a break. I am in self pity. I hear the thought " I should move to my mom's house"- which I did do exactly one year ago...
Maybe I should go to the bar with my sister...not to drink, but just to be OUT...and let him miss me. I consider the Latin aerobics class...spirits is a bit troubled by that I go for a long walk- outside at 9pm.

The night is beautiful, cloudy, breezy. I sit in a secluded spot, near my home, and near a lighted area, on the school property where we live. It's alone time with rarely I have such time away. I pour out my heart to hurt. He tells he He loves me...and more , but that's the main thing, that He loves me. I feel restored and peaceful when I return home.

While I was gone, a sister in the Lord calls. One with a gift of mercy, who has been in three abusive marriages. She has endured horrible parental rejection...and yet, utterly without bitterness, or self pity. She mentions how the Lord taught her, even as a child in foster care, that there was always someone who had it worse.

Well her testimonies really build me up...and after a long wonderful phone call- the Lord has her pray for me for a gift of faith in believing for my husband's salvation.

BAM!!! That IS what I need! I've had it before in other areaa....that faith will hope you up, no matter what is happening and what you are seeing...!! Thank you Lord for putting that on her heart. And another thing....while I was praying to the Lord about my loneliness....that sister was calling my home- leaving a message that said " Hi sister, I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much!"

SOOOOO now the testimony:

There was an overnight sale at a local store. I almost went at midnight but then ended up missing it by 10 minutes...but that's OK! In the store, I run into a woman from an old church...actually the last one I attended. She told me that the pastor was voted out of the church by three dominant women there!! And that they were accusing him of an improper relationship...(no eyewitnesses though). She was concerned because although most people had left the church after the split...HER husband was still there...with these women. It was putting a great strain on their marriage. We prayed right there in the frozen food section...and interceded against what the Lord showed. I was praising Him for this divine appointment.

After I left the store- I go to get gas and learn that one of my bills is counterfeit! By Gods' grace, not only was that discovered IMMEDIATELY...but also I was able to go back and exchange it. The grocery store remembered me and exchanged the bill. (That in itself is a testimony!!) And my friend witnessed that. So I Lord if you were able to save me from that fake bill...I believe you are also going to answer our prayers for her husband and marriage!! I felt like- yes- it's a confirmation!!

And driving, I He set up this situation so that I would witness it. In it- A sister in Christ was blessed...I saw how division, rejection, and Jezebel operate against a marriage, and we both saw the Lord protecting me. I also heard what happened when I left that church...which was a hard thing to do...but that the word of knowledge warning, He had given me, about another spirit operating in that church...was correct.

I received all of this from the Lord just since last night!!!!!!!

Praise you Lord!

AND...I also confided to my husband that I was feeling ignored and unvalued....he was genuinely shocked. He said, "Well I have been thinking that I should take you out to dinner...I've been thinking that since your birthday. (two weeks ago)."

I told him,' The next time you get those thoughts, you should probably act on them because by time you think that, it's already late." So he does know what to do...but can be held back by fear, tiredness or passivity.

It's like the stock market. He has had excellent timing about when to buy/sell, but often does nothing due to self-doubt. I think I need to encourage these ideas of action that he hears... He invested a small amount of money and it increased was an excellent move and most people disagreed...but his instincts were right on.

So I see it's not intentional "neglect." The word that came to me was "cluelessness" (in a sweet way.)

Thinking of buying the 5 love languages book...we'll have to proceed very delicately with this matter.

Friday, September 23, 2011

When a person opens his mouth and speaks, his spirit also speaks.

.. His spirit will find some measure of release in the opening of his mouth however much he may try to contain himself. Our ability to discern what his spirit is saying depends on the measure of our exercise in the Lord. If we are exercised, we will be able to discern the words he has uttered, the words he has refrained from uttering, and even the words in his spirit. ~

Watchman Nee

(Thanks to sister C.)

Christian means "Christ like"

So simple, yet so profound.

Christian means Christ like.

What is He like?
long suffering
willing to suffer being misunderstood
not promoting his own name
not hurting others in order to promote his own cause

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,

(1 Cor. 6:9)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Free from spiritual bondage

I have recently been set free from a religious group that has taken the dark turn into
spiritually unhealthy behavior. I'll probably be blogging on this a lot in the future, as the Lord brings healing and restoration to my heart and mind.

But for now, I'd like to recommend several links that have blessed me tons.

The Harlot Church System by Charles Neibold Jr.

Characteristics of Pharisees by Zac Poonen

I post these links as a recovering Pharisee myself...

May we all be "led of the Spirit and not under LAW" by God's grace.

The letter kills but the Spirit gives life 2 Cor 3:6


This is a place to document our trials and triumphs in the Lord. Our, more accurately, His triumphs despite and through me. I have wanted to be a writer for many years, so in addition to starting a habit of writing daily, this will also be a place to show answered prayer. To God be the glory!!